About Us
Do you have an unwavering passion for making video games?
Making video games is hard. If you're serious about making a complete
product, it requires an extremely wide array of skills. Sure, you might be a
good programmer, but are you an artist? An animator? An actor?
In a perfect world, you’d have collaborators helping you build the parts of
your game that you struggle with, but finding collaborators can take
precious development time away from actually building the game - that's
where we come in!
VoxPop is looking to build a network where all sorts of creators can come
together to make their dream games a reality!
VoxPop Games is building an entirely new recruiting tool for indie game
developers, based on parsing shares of revenue to key game development
collaborators across new & upcoming indie video game projects.
When collaborators join a project, they get a percentage of the sales. So
when the game reaches the market, they will automatically be paid a
portion of its sales as dividends. The entire process is handled by VoxPop's
backend - so they know they can trust you, and you don't have to worry
about the accounting work.
So if you got a project, come on board and find your team. If you don't, find
a project, and start building that portfolio!