Hello everyone:
Connor from VoxPop here
Here is the latest coverage from our Outer Terror game release and our early reviews:

Release News:
Cerbral Overload - https://cerebral-overload.com/2023/04/outer-terror-a-pulp-action-survival-horror-bloodbath-available-now-on-pc/
GN 24 - https://game-news24.com/2023/04/20/outer-terror-become-an-survival-horror-now-available-on-pc/
Gaming Shogun - https://gamingshogun.com/2023/04/21/outer-terror-launch-trailer/
IGN Hub - https://www.ign.com/games/outer-terror
Early Launch Reviews:
Game Grin (7.5 / 10) : https://www.gamegrin.com/reviews/outer-terror-review/ “Outer Terror is a beautiful love letter to both old-school horror and early gaming; if you love both, you'll love it.” Game Tyrant (8/10): https://gametyrant.com/news/outer-terror-review-an-ode-to-horror-and-arcade-fans "A ode to Horror and Arcade fans”
EIP Gaming (8/10): https://eip.gg/reviews/outer-terror “The art is incredible, the music is intense, the enemies are quirky, the characters are gritty, and the maps are well-designed.”
Try Hard Guides (8/10): https://tryhardguides.com/outer-terror-review/ “A great tribute to Cult Classics”
ScreenRant (3.5/5) - "Combining the fast-faced action of rougelite gameplay with cosmic, retro horrors, Outer Terror is an addictive experience with thematic substance." - https://screenrant.com/outer-terror-pc-review/
KeenGamer (7/10) - "The game is a love letter to the horror and retro genre’s, with fantastic homages and inspiration." - https://www.keengamer.com/articles/reviews/pc-reviews/outer-terror-review-hordes-horrors-and-a-whole-lot-of-guns-pc/
Stay tuned for more news about Outer Terror and more progress about our upcoming published titles soon!!!
Thank you again