Hello everyone, Charles here! It's been a while since I've properly written anything on the blog myself, huh? But it's a special occasion today - the VoxPop team is growing!
Today, I'd like to introduce you to our Social Media Manager. In her own words, this is Holly Welch:
Hey there! I’m new here, so allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Holly and I’m a recent game design graduate from Pratt Institute here in NYC. I’m not a native, though. I moved here from Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2017 (and before then I’ve lived all over the country, from Oahu, HI to New Orleans, LA). I had an opportunity of a lifetime to move to the big city, so my husband and I packed up a U Haul with our dog, cat, and bird and made the trip without ever looking back.
Video games have always been a passion of mine. Growing up, I had a Cool Dad™ who would regularly invite me to be a sparring buddy on Mortal Kombat 3 or ask me to be reinforcements when he found himself in a tight spot in Diablo 2.

When he unexpectedly passed away in 2014, my whole life turned upside down. It made me realize life is short and anything can happen, so I quit my dead-end retail job, enrolled in culinary school where I got a degree in baking and pastry, and then shortly after realized that, though I love baking, it’s not what I want to do with my life.
Being 27, I can’t remember a time where gaming wasn’t a part of my life and I always knew that being in the gaming industry is what I wanted to do for a living. But living on the gulf coast for most of my young adulthood, it didn’t seem feasible. There just weren’t studios to work at or schools that offered the courses.
Queue NYC-native friend needing a roommate.

So, now I’m here in the city fresh out of college (again), creating content and managing social media for VoxPop Games. When I found VoxPop, I read up on what their goal is and what they stand for and it really resonated with me. And this is coming from the girl who got teary-eyed from the speech Mr. Reggie Fils-Aimé gave at the 2019 Game Awards about his confidence that the indie scene is the future of gaming.
I’m a firm believer that games are art and art is meant to be seen. And it’s time to see what indie
game developers are passionate about.