The student produced; VoxPop Games published game, is now available for WISHLIST on PC Steam.

REAPER, enters the game with a new updated storefront page that has gone live worldwide on PC Steam today.
REAPER is a medieval, first-person shooter, drawing inspiration from classic titles like Doom, Heretic, Quake and Hitman.
Unlike most slayer dark-fantasy FPS games, REAPER’s gameplay is heavily focused on melee scythe slashing, magic bolt combat and trials runs for the Hardcore FPS fans. You play as DEATH incarnate and follow the guidance of a mysterious spirit which tasks you with collecting the souls of a series of targets and condemning them to Hell below.
Following 2024’s Concrete Visions, REAPER is the newest title to be built using VoxPop’s profit-sharing model and the latest to participate in its new student initiative. Students from Bradley University & Stony Brook University will be joining the DOSMan Games team to help with sound design, graphic design, Gameplay tuning, feedback and QA.
“The REAPER project is DOSMan Games’ first expanded team project, and we’re so excited to welcome Fred Richi, Daniel Walthall, Ryan Scully (new to the DOSMan Games’ collective) with Kadin White (Bradley University ‘24), and Dilshoda Sayfillaeva (Stony Brook University ‘25) as undergrad university student collaborators to assist with the project” said Sam Marshall, DOSMan Games, Project Lead, “We are so excited that VoxPop Games has put this together for us utilizing their new platform features!”
By bringing in undergrad collegiate students to assist will smaller scale, indie productions, VoxPop is hoping to help them build out their real-world experience portfolios and set them out on their own game development journeys.
“We are getting the ball rolling on our hiring initiative within the VoxPop Games platform. Our toolset for our web client and standalone application is set to be unleashed within the next few weeks.” explained VoxPop CEO, Charles Yu, “There is a hunger for all kinds of creatives to get into the industry. More and more, students are being told that their only option for fruitful careers is in STEM. But video games need more than just programmers and coders! They need artists, writers, and musicians too. We are reaching out to those universities and telling them they have a place here. It can all start here.”
Play as Death Incarnate, and follow the guidance of a mysterious spirit, tasking you with collecting the souls of a series of targets, and condemning them to the Hell below.
Single Player Campaign Taking Place Across huge expansive levels.
Trials Mode - A One-Hit-Kill Challenge Over Various Small Arenas.
Full Voice Acting - With Many Game-Dev & Game Streamer Cameos.
Boss Fights
Dark Humor
Stunning Pixel Art
Original Soundtrack
An assortment of underworldly Weapons
Diverse and Hellish Enemy Types
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For more information on VoxPop Games, follow on X (fka Twitter), and visit us on the official VoxPop Games website. Editors interested in covering REAPER can email Marc Anthony Rodriguez (
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VoxPop Games, Inc., is a New York based game development and distribution platform. VoxPop primarily caters to independent developers who may not have the marketing budget to pursue traditional advertising and hiring as a model.
Developers can use VoxPop to find collaborators using a percentage of their future profits, recruiting everything from programmers and artists to build the game, to influencers and celebrities to promote their products. Meanwhile, contractors can trust that their payments will be backed by a robust, and automated system which will keep their employers’ honest months or years after the project’s completion.
VoxPop is part of the NYC Games Industry Council and collaborates with non-profit groups like the NYC IGDA. VoxPop hopes to disrupt the gaming market by creating systems for smaller content creators to prop up one another.
DOSMan Games are all about FPS games.
Whether solo as Sam Marshall or as a team, they want to make each of their games feel completely different from one another.
You can learn more about DOSMan Games on X (fka Twitter)