Hey friends!
Today I'd like to shine the spotlight on one of our developers who's been with VoxPop for longer than I have: Hamra Digital! They've been with us since the beginning and we're forever grateful for their support and incredibly proud of their efforts in creating their game RADARjAM. We really love this game and we're excited to be able to share it with you.
Without further ado-

Hi all! I'm Matthew Hamilton-Roux, the CEO and Creative Director of Hamra Digital from Brooklyn, NY. I started game development in my spare time, trying to learn the very basics of programming through game development. I came to love it, and have been doing it ever since. Hamra Digital is the studio I've launched to make new games that challenge the innovation and ingenuity in independent games. We aim to do that with the release of our upcoming title,
RADARjAM, an action-packed top down shooter where you're blind to your enemy's location. RADARjAM was originally a Ludum Dare 39 Game Jam submission, that we later expanded into a full experience for everyone to enjoy. It has come a long way from its predecessor, but the basic objective stays the same. You are a plane on a radar grid, dispatching approaching enemies. Initially you can't see them, but with the use of the radar you can handily take care of them, and their stronger counterparts as

well. You start as Spade V, a rookie pilot trying their best to eliminate the enemy with a semi-automatic cannon. With each run you are granted cash upon completion to buy ships that expand upon the original by almost entirely reinventing the way you need to play. Ace One for instance has Heat Seeking Missiles. Tyche XIV has an overcharging laser. And THE BOX? Well, it's just a box... right?
RADARjAM is launching with the VoxPop Games Open Beta with many more content updates on the way, along with Ad-Hoc multiplayer coming later this year.
Well, there you have it- you can find RADARjAM as part of our Open Beta launch! Find out more at signup.voxpopgames.net and join our Discord to meet our incredible community. See you there!